How to Fix QuickBooks Display Issues
QuickBooks guides millions of business owners around the world to meet their target goals. While running with this accounting software, sometimes users face many display issues (High-resolution graphic display issues) which may stop all running functions and also affect your business management schedule. Users need to fix this issue as quickly as possible. This blog will help you to fix the QuickBooks Display issues. Symptoms of QuickBooks Display Issues Transactions unable to fit according to the screen User unable to found buttons Font size getting too large Distorted screen pop-up when user try to maximize and minimize Label disappearance and Field overwriting The sizing icons which are placed just at the right of the window don’t appear Have a look at an alternative solution for QuickBooks Display Issues Troubleshooting 1: The first thing to do is to restart the system Hit your click on the “Window start button” and mark on the start menu Write “Task Manager” ...