
Showing posts with the label How to Record & Print Checks in QuickBooks

How to Record & Print Checks in QuickBooks

QuickBooks checks are used to pay employees and also to pay bills. There is a method specifically to record and print the checks in QuickBooks desktop account. So below, it is explained so that you can implement it easily. Method to Record & Print Checks in QuickBooks Select the Banking and then click on the Write Checks command When you get this Write Checks window, and then click on the drop-down menu of the Bank Account for selecting the correct account for writing checks. Use the field Number to verify the check number The check is not printed so because of this if you didn’t get the check number then you not need to fill the No. field. You have to select the option Printer Later that you can see on the Main window of write checks. Record the date of the check is written on or will be written in the Data field Enter the date of the check that is in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. The dates can also be entered in the mmdd or m/dd formats, and the QuickBooks convert th...